Sunday, September 07, 2008
How To Make A Really Good Bowl Of Cream Of Wheat- Or- Why Do You People Continue To Let Me Waste Your Time
Cream of Wheat
Vanilla Extract
Coconut Flavoring
Pack of Splenda or Sugar
Brown Sugar
First, follow the directions on how much Cream of Wheat mix and milk to use. I’ve found that the one serving is just enough for one person. I know this seems pretty obvious but serving suggestions can vary depending on the person. Now the directions call for either milk or water- sure you can use water, if you want it to be tasteless that is. So, use milk. I’ve found that even powdered milk can work pretty well.
Keep the heat somewhere around medium to medium high. On my stove that’s somewhere between 6 and 7, you don’t want it to high or the milk will burn at the bottom of the sauce pan. If you really want to speed up the cooking process you can put it in a medium sized sauce pan, this will allow for more of the liquid to be in direct contact with the heating element- surface area wise (didn’t know this would be technical did ya).
Stir occasionally, again to avoid burning the bottom of the milk (if you burn any of the milk, throw it away and start again- the burnt taste gets everywhere so you’ve pretty much ruined the whole enchilada). When you see it juuuusssstt starting to boil add the Cream of Wheat. Do this slowly while stirring or you’ll get lumps (unless of course you want lumps, which is perfectly acceptable).
While it’s cooking, add in a small splash of the coconut flavoring and just slightly more of the vanilla. Sure, you could measure it, but where’s the fun in that? Same thing with the sweetener. I use ½ a packet of Splenda for no other reason than its easy to measure. You could use sugar as well, just to taste.
Let it cook for about two minutes. After that, take if off the heat. It’s at this point you add the raisins. You don’t want to do that any time before or the raisins will cook too much and get all mushy. Adding just after removing from the heat will mean the Cream of Wheat will still be hot enough to cook the raisins, but not enough to ruin ‘em.
Let it set for a minute or so. Then you can poor it into the bowl. Add one dab of butter- not margarine. Trust me, there’s a noticeable taste difference between real butter and “spread.” Folks, butter is NOT expensive, so get some. Now you can also add the brown sugar. I just grab some to taste, but I would assume it’s about 2 tablespoons or so. I just add it to the bowl and in no time it makes this cool swirling effect that makes for a nice presentation.
Grab a cup of coffee.
Oh, I didn’t mention the coffee?
Here’s the trick(s) to a good cup of coffee.
First off, buy a good coffee. Sounds easy enough. I know Starbucks is passé, but the simple truth is they make a good product. Sure it’s expensive, but you get what you pay for. Lately I’ve been getting their Café Verona, it suits my criteria for a good coffee-dark and full bodied (much like my criteria for, oh never mind). I get the whole beans and grind ‘em up. Now I’ll concede that this is just too much for an everyday cup before work, but on the weekends when you have time, do it. Whole beans make a difference, let there be no arguing on that.
Lastly, when I make my coffee I always use water that I’ve run through my Brita filter. Tap water just won’t due. Everyone seems to forget this, but bad water makes bad coffee. Remember folks, there are two ingredients to a cup of Joe and coffee’s only one of ‘em.
On the side I like to have a little glass of orange juice. Now here’s the part where I show some restraint and not wax eloquently on some tangent about how there are just WAY to many choices in orange juice these days. Calcium, low pulp, high pulp, no pulp, heart healthy, low sugar…
I just want orange juice, how difficult can it be?
You know, like she cooked the canned dog food for the dog.
This recipe sounds delicious by the way!! I don't have coconut flavor so I'm going to use a little coconut milk to cook it in.
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