Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Everything Old Is New Again

Hey, ‘member when those “Magic Eye” things were all the rage? Yeah, ‘bout 10 or so years ago people would go to Spencer’s and plop down like 15 bucks to buy a framed one and put it in their dorm room? Then in a matter of 10 months people got really bored of them, and we haven’t seen them since? Yeah, those.
Well for God knows whatever reason I got to thinking about them the other day and ran across THIS webpage with some of those images. I kinda forgot how cool they were.
Anyhoo, download a few and save ‘em as your desktop background. It’ll make your day less melodramatic than your current screen. (um, in case you don’t know, right click on the big 1024 x 768 image and choose “save as desktop background.”)

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