Sunday, June 04, 2006


Minimalism And Self Improvement 101- The Kirkopolis Method

As you may have read I was seeing a therapist. I say that in the past tense since I haven’t been in a few weeks. Frankly, I don’t really think it’s necessary at this time. I’m doing surprisingly well and we therefore don’t have much to discuss. I’ll reschedule however once the actual divorce papers are signed since I’m sure new things’ll pop up.
That’s self improvement #1.
Now that my noggin has gotten some attention I noticed that I’m also focusing in on the body. I’m riding a freaking ton, averaging 30-35 miles per ride (over 100 miles per week). My diet has changed for the better, lots of good stuff to eat and without being one of those freaks that sacrifices pleasure in eating because I’m concentrating on total carb. intakes and how many branch chain amino acids are in that bag of Frito’s. I’ll stick with the chicken breasts and vitamin regiment, without being afraid of that pizza and beer on a Saturday.
It seems to be paying off. I’ve never really been chunky, but the last few years I’ve developed a bit of a gut. Well the gut is dwindling down and I’m getting some pretty good muscle tone (going to Gold’s Gym now too). As a matter of fact a friend (yup, a lady) from work noted to me this un-solicited and rather head expanding quote-
“You know Kirk, you’ve always been a cutie, but lately you’ve become a hottie.”
Now she may just have been trying to buck up my self esteem, but I’ll trick myself into thinking that it was sincere.
Either way, I feel like a million bucks and am quite certain I’ll stick with it for the long haul.
Note: I was going to insert a picture of Antonio Sabato Jr. and make some sort of silly quirk about how similar the two of us look (which of course isn’t true, thus the humor) but I couldn’t seem to find a picture of him without some sort of heavy, homoerotic overtone. So just use your imagination and laugh hysterically at my composed wit.

Now for the minimalist changes in Kirk’s Vida Loco-
There’s this girl I know… she’s a good friend, smart, very cool and has a great insight in to life matters (as well as being quite easy on the eyes, but that’s a whole ‘nother story that choose not to embrace… for now) so when she speaks, I listen.
Anyway, we were having drinks and pleasant conversation (if I recall I was partaking in Dr. Stoly tonic, me faves), I went to pay and thus whipped out my wallet. It was then she happened to note that I should consider ditching the wallet and getting a clip.
I was intrigued.
“Really, a clip you say?”
Turns out that the clip v. wallet issue is one that she and her girlfriends actually discuss. They seem to liken the wallet to something their dads use, not guys they may or may not be interested in.
Could it be that I stumbled onto one of those little, yet important qualities that ‘the ladies’ look for, yet only keep to themselves? Is it the female equivalent to the greatness a girl shows when, after you unlock, and open the car door for her, she leans over to unlock your door for you (which b.t.w. is a sure-fire way to a man’s heart)?
Hummm, I wondered.
I gave it some thought, however admittedly not much. Like I said, when someone like this talks, I listen. However I knew it was going to be tough. After all, I like my wallet. When it’s in that back, left pocket it will act as some sort of security blanket. When it’s not there I get these weird insecurity things going on.
On the other hand, I’m trying to minimalize, streamline if you will, my life. It’s an easier and more efficient way to be.
So I decided to take the plunge. First up was ditching a bunch of un-needed stuff from Mr. Wallet. That was a good trick; after all do I really need my prescription card on me at all times? See, I’m streamlining baby, streamlining.
Quick list of things I ditched, kept neatly in my desk drawer-

Kroger Plus card (I have one on my keychain)
Home Depot gift card with unknown balance
Two year old emergency phone list from work
Out-dated appointment card from my therapist
Illinois Department of Public Health Food Safety certification
Passport card (really, they give you these)
Illinois Firearm Owner’s Identification
Sam’s Club membership (under the ex’s work, yup I’m keeping it and using it. Suckers)
Southern Illinois University identification (graduated 8 years ago)
Dental Insurance card
Another appointment card for my therapist

So I downsized, leaving only two credit cards, ATM / Debit card, medical insurance card, drivers license and insurance card. Went from 17 to 6. Not bad.

So I’m sure it will take a little getting used to, but this way my pants will stop leaning to the left. But I wonder, is this clip over wallet thing really something that comes up?
Perhaps I’ll do some sort of case study.
Ladies, your feedback is requested and welcomed.

Kirky, way to go Hot Stuff!
I found myself reading and getting more and more excited for your future!
Re: the clip, I'd NEVER thought about it before, but I think your friend is onto something! I think I'll be looking out for it from now on!
So yes, get one!
Go on witcha bad James Bond self!
I've always thought you were a hottie.

For as long as I can remember, my dad has used a money clip, so I guess he's cutting edge.
Nope, he just has loads of cash. I'll be thinking of that this fall when I go to buy a house......
personally i like a rubber band and/or a paper clip holding my cash...doesn't matter in that it is all hidden in my "european carry-all" or as my girlfriend calls it..."my purse."
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