Monday, May 08, 2006


Kirk’s Vida Loco- Dos Point Uno

I did the big move this weekend. Had two friends come over with trucks and a trailer and got my big stuff packed up and hauled away in one big load. This include my dining room set (a gift from Mom) the entertainment center, two bookshelves and some other various things. In essence it was all the stuff that takes more than one person to lift.
It was pretty painless; less a few moments of emotion, all and all it went pretty smooth and the ending involved a Walt’s Double Decker pizza and several pitchers of beer (I’ve been sure to avoid alcohol for a while but figured why not). My therapist (or as The Saturday Night Live, Sean Connery Celebrity Jeopardy character likes to say- The Rapist) told me that when he got his divorce (yep, a therapist on his second marriage, kinda seems like a dentist with a few to many false teeth, but I suppose he wasn’t always a therapist) the moving out it was the toughest thing he did. It took him days to do what should have been just a few hours as he couldn’t get himself together. But for whatever reason, maybe because I had friends to help, it went pretty smoothly and I kept it together pretty well.
Got up the next day and moved all my clothes and toiletries into the new (temporary) digs (actually, not really new- it’s my Mom’s pad) so I could be prepared to start spending the night. Now that my stuff’s there, I’ve basically created a big mess at my Mom’s. The two most important things to take care of were getting the clothing situation under control and organized (no problem there) and sealing up the windows with aluminum foil.
Yup, aluminum foil. I work third shift which means I go to bed sometime before 5pm, the sunlight pretty much allows any chance of a restful sleep, so I gotta shut out mother sun. So, in summation I’m a 35 year old man currently living in a nice, yet small, dark room in my mother’s house- or as I like to call it the worst psychological environment possible for my current situation. But hey, its free.
I figure I’ll stay at Mom’s for a few months and get my wits about me, while saving a boatload of money for a nice down payment on a my own home.
So, all in all I’m not doing too bad, considering. There are bouts of sadness, fear and loneliness, but I’m hopeful that will soon be replaced with freedom and wonderment to the future journey.
Either way, it’s gonna end with a really nice couple bottles of wine.

Nice to see you're keeping your sense of humor. It'll get better, I promise.

(And yum, Walt's. I miss it. My husband doesn't like it -- the HORROR! I know, can you believe it?! He is mental. There is no pizza in the world better than Walt's.)
A husband that doesn't like Walt's pizza? Another marriage heading for the rocks.

Kerr M.
I think it's a growing-up-in-Marion thing. My brother's wife (who's from Atlanta) doesn't care for it either. But all of our kids like it, so it might be a genetic thing.

Dang. Now I want to go home and get a double-decker sausage and mushroom! Mmmmmm.
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