Sunday, May 28, 2006


Bold New Look- Same Great Taste

For whatever reason my sidebar was showing up on the bottom of my page- after posts, and rather than pouring through a bunch of HTML code that I’m clueless on I opted to instead just change the layout.
I’m not sure how I feel about the sidebar now being on the left, but when picking my template I had that in mind. Just kinda wanted a change ya know. Also, things seem kinda bigger- like it’s no longer my blog, but instead it’s my BLOG!
I also added a few more links on the side if you feel like indulging.
Oh, and if you had a link to your blog in the past but don’t have one now- well, update your page more than once every two months and you’ll be right back on my little cyber speed-dial.

Feedback on the new look is welcomed.

I know what it is that’s been bugging me about the new layout- the sidebar is way too wide. It’s damn near half the page.
Anyone out there with any HTML experience that could shoot me a quick fix (I can access the code from my template settings) would be advised that I’ll make it worth their while (wink, wink, nudge nudge).

Thanks all.....

I like the LSMFT look.
Lucy Strike Means Fine Tobacco.
Oh yeah.. how dare I forget.
Ummmmm, Lucky Strikes.
Change is good. It is funny how much bigger the font is.

Did you know you could've "chosen" the same template you were using before? I did that once already. But change is good. Whatevs.
Booya, Kirk! I like the new duds.
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