Sunday, March 19, 2006


When In Doubt, Play The Nazi’s

It’s pretty amazing that the Bush’s inner circle is running so low on explanations on why we’re still in Iraq, they’re actually stooping so low that they’re using tactics from Camp Liberal.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leaving Iraq now would be like handing postwar Germany back to the Nazis, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in a column published on Sunday, the third anniversary of the start of the Iraq war.

Happens all the time, when the left doesn’t like a tactic they use the word “Nazi” just to strike fear into the un-educated. Little do they realize how much they trivialize the real atrocities as well as the real evils that resided within.
Now it’s the right’s turn. Playing the Nazi card is pretty much the lowest common denominator of those who have no other argument. In addition Donny lowered himself by going so far as to use the “It’s the terrorists” trump card-
Rumsfeld said "the terrorists" were trying to fuel sectarian tensions to spark a civil war, but they must be "watching with fear" the progress in the country over the past three years.

Um, I really don’t think it’s the terrorists that are fueling anything. I’d say instead it was the 3 millennia worth of tensions, fueled by an invading and captive army that’s doing the trick.
Throughout the ages, from the Caesars, to Hannibal, to Napoleon to King Richard, men have tried to bring peace to this very area- what on earth makes G.W. think that he can do what they couldn’t.
You know, there are 11million people living in the same totalitarian, evil, murderous conditions as the former Saddam regime- and instead of being ½ way across the world, they’re 90 miles off the coast of Florida. But then again, I’m not sure if Dick Cheney was has more interests in banana corporations than big oil.
…I’m just sayin’.

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