Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Sir Tom

When I was a kid I used to dream that I could be a knight in shining armor. When I grew older and realized that becoming a real knight would be quite unlikely. I got into acting, hoping one day to at least play a knight in shining armor.
I’ve seen them all, “Camelot,” “A Knight’s Tale,” “Ivanhoe,” “Kingdom of Heaven,” “Monty Python and The Holy Grail”… just to escape into that world for just a short time.
I aint so sure anymore.
Tom Jones has been knighted.
Yep, that Tom Jones. The same guy that brought you “Sex Bomb” has joined the ranks of Walter Raleigh, Thomas Moore and Mic Jagger.
Welsh singer Tom Jones is getting used to meeting Queen Elizabeth II -- but on Wednesday was something special as she dubbed him, "Sir Tom."The 65-year-old singer, a coal miner's son from the Welsh town of Pontypridd, received the honour from the queen at Buckingham Palace.
I wonder, if I were British would I at this point start to highly question the state of the British Empire?
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Oh dear God have I seen it... And loved every second of it.
Not sure if that qulifies him for knighthood however.
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Not sure if that qulifies him for knighthood however.
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