Sunday, March 26, 2006


Is It Just Me Or Is The World Shrinking

You know this whole internet thing has gotten to be pretty cool.

Take the world of the ‘blogosphere’ for instance. For whatever reason I happened to stumble upon three web pages that are now my regulars, yet I’ve never met nor spoken to their creators. Sure, I’ve got friends like Jason and Corey, family like Gene, all of whom I’ve know well for years, but these are three ladies that are a total mystery to me (as are most ladies, but that’s a whole ‘nother blog). To be honest, I'm not even sure how I got to reading their stuff in the first place.

You’ve got Steigfried over at Trixter, Eileen at Headspace and Jawamily at FormerMVP. It’s just strange how I could want to have a cup of coffee with people who I have never, and probably will never meet. I get this feeling that we’d have a strangely interesting conversation over the whereabouts of Emilio Estevez while we divulge out those things that only strangers should know (like my as yet to be explained obsession with all things Shakira).

I know little about them as real people, yet I love to read their work and will continue to do so as long as they continue to write.

Could this have happened at any other time? Personally, I find it to be pretty cool.

Yes you can compete, your stuff is really good.
Now that I'm done stroking you, go write.
Kirky! You mentioned me! You're too cool! And you introduced me now to Former MVP's blog! Blogging brings people together. I think it's cool too. I keep telling friends I have "blog friends."

And yes, I could wax poetic about Emilio (laying low, wisely), and Shakira, who I love too. Did you see the VH-1 episode of Driven: Shakira? She was belly-dancing out of the womb.
GASP! This is awesome! I got a shout out! How did I miss it? I've been lurking on your blog with great frequency! Thank you!!!
Shalom Friends –

Kirk – you thrill me! Thanks for the shout out. I adore you and your blog. You said it to me a long time ago, but your remark that true wits come from Illinois is apt. You my darling, are a raconteur with a rapier wit. (Can you tell I am doing research for my next play? It involves highly stylized antiquated language, so I am practicing every chance I get.)

I can’t help but find it amusing that people are surprised Trixter is written by a woman. I wonder what’s implied by that? Someone let me know, even if it means revealing deep-hidden low level misogyny.

Take care,
Yeah, it's the misogny all right... we here at Radio-Free campground are all about misogny.
Really, I can't speak for anyone else but my buddy Corey who was the one 'wowed' by the fact that you're a dame (antiquated language shout out) is anything but misoganistic.
But then again it could be just 'cause no skirt could ever be that smart........ (heheh)
Love it!

My Dad says "skirt." As in: "She that woman over there? Great lady. Went to medical school. Makes a million dollars a year. Not bad for a skirt."

The great part - he really means it. If you called him out on that he would have NO idea what he said. Not a bit of meanness to it, he just thinks that's how people talk. I find that so funny.

Or, I should say humorous.

My dad has one of those atrocious Chicago accents and he says humerous without the "h." When I was a little kid I was always pushing people's buttons and getting into trouble. My dad would stop me and say: "Do you think that's youuuu-morous?"

And I would start laughing and say "yeeess." Because, honestly, what's more humorous than someone saying youuuu-moreous?"
Don't sweat it CorDawg.. I get the sneaky suspision that she's the laid back type.
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