Thursday, February 09, 2006


Joining the Heard

Broke down and got a cell phone the other day. I’ve been avoiding it for a while now but finally caved in, mostly it’s a work thing. Luckily my company has some nice accommodations throught Verizon so I got a very nice discount on the bill and the phone was f-r-e-e-.
It’s a camera phone, which I already seem to be having waaay to much fun with, and all the other usual bells and whistles (well, no bells but something that sounds like a bell.
I had a big problem with setting up the voicemail. No, it wasn’t the actual set up- that was easy. It was setting on an outgoing message. I must have re-recorded my voice 15 times and still found myself sounding like an idiot. I gave up and settled on one I kind of like, but I’m sure I’ll just give up and set up the automated message.
God I’m a dork.

Thanks for getting the phone
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