Monday, January 09, 2006


Smartest Mouse…. Ever

Before I go to sleep, I gotta share this-
FORT SUMNER, N.M. - A mouse got its revenge against a homeowner who tried to dispose of it in a pile of burning leaves. The blazing creature ran back to the man's house and set it on fire.
Luciano Mares, 81, of Fort Sumner said he caught the mouse inside his house and wanted to get rid of it.
"I had some leaves burning outside, so I threw it in the fire, and the mouse was on fire and ran back at the house," Mares said from a motel room Saturday.
No was hurt inside, but the home and everything in it was destroyed.
Granted, I really feel sorry for this guy. He lost everything. Then again, why couldn’t he just let the mouse go? Just had to be a badd ass and burn it like you're from Salem huh?

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