Sunday, January 29, 2006


Let The Hype Begin!

No, I’m speaking of the Super Bowl and I won’t be ‘till afterwards. You don’t talk to a pitcher during a perfect game and thus I won’t give you my predictions of the outcome. I’d hate to put on the jinx and be the sole reason for a Steelers loss. That’s an accolade they’ll have to earn on their own.
Nope, I’m speaking of the Winter Olympics, just a few days away now. I really can’t wait, and I’m glad I’ll be able to stay up and watch the opening ceremonies. I’m not sure why, but I get very emotional during these things. Each year they get a little better and better, some might find them boring (and I can see where that comes from) but I usually put that out of my mind. Even the ‘Parade of Nations’, which lasts about as long as the Lord of the Rings Trilogy gets me all quivery. HDNet still shows the last Summer Games every few days and when the opening ceremonies come on, I pretty much watch the whole thing. This event was also the first real test of HD, and you can still see some pixalization (I assume from up-conversion) so I’m hoping for some BIG improvements this time around.
Why do I love the opening so much? I suppose it has something to do with these athletes, most will not even make it past the first rounds of their respected sports get their moment in the limelight. They’ve worked harder at their sport than I’ll work at anything- all for that one moment. Good for them.
Oh, and then there’s the sporting events.
First off, I like the bobsled. Seriously, how cool would it be to ride in one of those things? My question is how someone gets involved in that sport in the first place. How many people do you know have gone out for an ‘evening of bobsledding?’ Or skeleton. How do you even begin to train on this thing? In essence it’s nothing more than a serving tray that goes about 90 mph. I’d probably crap myself during the ride, but it sure would be fun.
One person I’m really excited about seeing is freestyle skier Jeremy Bloom. Also a standout receiver for the University of Colorado, he had some trouble with the perpetual dick-faces of the NCAA and wrote a rather amazing ‘letter’ stating his case. If you’ve ever had the urge to do a “letter to the editor” kind of thing in the newspaper than this is a perfect blueprint to work off of. This letter is one of the most well written acts of defiance and point-making I have ever had the extreme pleasure of reading. I posted it once before on ‘Radio Free- The Lost Episodes.’ Do yourself a favor and check it out HERE. Good luck buddy.
Then there’s Bode Miller.
First off, the guy’s name is Bode. That alone deserves a beatn’. Second, he has already admitted hitting the slopes in a few tournaments drunk. Nice. Ladies and Gentlemen, representing America- a drunk hippie who is also, by his own admission, spooked of narcotics testing (for the obvious reason- like I said, his name is Bode).
Now this blockhead has gone on record as saying that Lance (that’s Armstrong to those new to RadioFree) is doping.
If you say it has to be 'knowingly,' you do what Lance (Armstrong) and all those guys do, where every morning their doctor gives them a box of pills and they don't ask anything, they just take the pills."

Right… That’s what Lance did. He just ‘took pills’ and didn’t ask questions. Hey Bode- if you ever bothered to either a: not hit the bong before a Rolling Stone interview, or b: knew what the fuck you were talking about, you’d know that Lance is the MOST TESTED athlete in the entire world. And one must remember that Lance is in a sport whose testing is so intense that several competitors have been busted not with drugs in their blood system, but OTHER PEOPLE’S BLOOD in their blood system (they go so far as to get full transfusions to not get caught).
I will admit, if something happened and there was real proof that Lance doped, I would be surprised, not shocked but surprised. Until then one must remember two basic things-
1: Of all the speculation, books, reports and evidence, NO ONE has ever been able to show definitive proof that Lance doped.
2: Do a search on Lance’s physiology, this guy doesn’t need to dope. It’s as if some evil genetic scientist said “I want to design the perfect cyclist” and he came up with Lance. From his respiratory system that is a staggering 80% more efficient than a normal person’s, to his extra long femurs that give him 30% more power in the climbs to the his unexplainable ability to produce 40% less lactic acid than the average athlete’s- this guy is a machine. Has he done drugs? Sure- it’s called chemotherapy.

Wow, did I get off my original point or what?

So, in a nutshell- I’m looking forward to seeing the opening ceremonies (hopefully the HD signal will come in), some cool, fast, and potently deadly competition and someone (an American) beating the crap out of Bode.

I’ll be in D.C (Brandywine to be exact) for most of it, so I guess I’ll just have to recap.

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