Thursday, October 06, 2005


Just When You Thought I Might Be Leaning A Little Too Much To The Left

Investigators have found what they presume to be the remains of 17 year old Tayor Behl, a VCU freshman who had gone missing a few weeks ago. Her mother, obviously distraught to a point I could not begin to imagine said this-
"My mind still cannot absorb the fact that someone could do something this cruel and heinous to my 17-year-old child," said Pelasara, appearing subdued and exhausted. "I am positive the authorities will bring these subhumans to justice, and I pray they receive the death penalty."

Debate over.
It amazes me that there are so many in this world that don’t agree with capitol punishment. Simply put, there are crimes that when committed, demand death.In the argument against I often hear, “it doesn’t deter crime.” Well maybe not, but that’s not really the point.
I support the death penalty not for it's results on crime statistics, but rather the result on the psyche of those left behind. You think this poor mother gives a rat’s ass about the nation’s murder rate post punishment? Nope, she just wants to see someone pay. Are you trying to tell me that if (God forbid) your child (or any child for that matter) was snuffed out in a nightmare of brutality you wouldn't want to see a little payback?
It seems so ironic to me that capitol punishment is one of the most civilized acts a society can partake in, yielding simple comfort of those who grieve.
…and for those who weep for the condemned, well how ‘bout you grow a pair and support real humanity.

if it were me and it were you, or any of ours, I would like to be given the choice of weapon, 15 minutes behind a closed door and a warm shower. I would find that a very simple comfort
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