Saturday, October 08, 2005
It’s Homie, Yet Functional

Going on about a year now, Jennifer and I have been looking for an entertainment center to go along with my A/V set-up. The problem is that what they make for big screens usually look pretty cheap, but cost around $1700. I cringed every time I looked at the price on one ‘cause I knew it was just made of veneered, mass produced particle board.
Well a few weeks ago we were in this lil’ country store in the Marion mall and came across this old fashioned looking cabinet set (locally crafted). Now I have to tell you, Jennifer loves countrified stuff, while I loath it. However, it was I that spotted the cabinets first and suggested how it would look pretty good in the pad. I’m not sure why, but there was something about it that I really liked. So we bought it- and then came the stroke of genius.
“Do they do custom work?” I asked.
“Yes, here’s there number”
So, long story short I took some measurements, drew up some plans, sent them away and a month later had my entertainment center.
I dig it. At first I was upset ‘cause the plans clearly called for the top piece to be hollow (to fit the center channel) but after some study I decided I liked it better the way it was.
It also (surprisingly) has effected my audio quality. With the greater separation of my two fronts and my center, the sound seems much more dynamic (per individual channel). The downside however is that next to the wood my towers (some monster sized Infinity Alphas) seem kinda small now. Also is the fact that I know that if I could have spent about $200 on a table saw and miter box, plus about $200 on wood and I could have made the thing myself… and have some cool new tools to boot. Oh well, I’m still very satisfied.
Here’s the best part. I gots me a custom made entertainment center for not around $1700, but for a mere $650.
Not to shabby.
(You’ll have to excuse the photo quality, my digital camera kinda blows. New one this x-mas if anyone is looking for me).
Sidenote: That movie that's plaing... Yep, it's "Red Dawn." Showing all this month on UHD.