Thursday, August 11, 2005


Mighty Mouse, Crappy Reveiw

You know, if you’re going to do a product review on something, the least you could do is- oh I dunno- know what you’re talking about.
Take this review I found on
Seems Apple is coming out with some sort of super-mouse that’s light years ahead of the rest. Or so the reviewer says. I’m not sure I trust him all that much given that he obviously doesn’t know the first thing about Macs. Really, is it that hard to find a product reviewer that knows Apples?
Take this-
At the very least, it shows that Apple has come around to the realization that more than one button is a good idea. Now, its customers don't have to look beyond Apple for their pointing-and-clicking needs.

Um, more than one button? See, proves my point. Anyone who’s used a Mac for more than say, five minutes knows you don’t need to right click. All you have to do is hold down the one button for a second longer than normal. Really it’s much easier to use, and has less parts which of course means less stuff to quit working on you (a concept foreign to all things Microsoft I’m sure).
Then there’s this beauty of a statement-
My biggest complaint was the short length of the cord that plugs into a computer's USB port, though it's not likely to be an issue if you plug your mouse into a USB port on the keyboard.

Um, again. All Apple keyboards have USB ports built in them specifically designed for mouse input, even has a nice little pictre in the set-up manual with no confusing ‘words’ to get in the way.
…when it comes to the lowly computer mouse, Apple has long lagged behind everyone else…

Um, for a third time. “..Apple has long lagged behind everyone else…” except of course for that time when they invented the computer mouse.
Worst of all, they didn’t even bother to include a picture. But have no fear, I the non-journalist can supply that with only ten seconds of research on Yahoo Images-

Actually, Apple didn't invent the mouse -- but they were the first to introduce it to consumers as a necessary element of the other innovation they didn't invent, but made a phenomenon: the graphical user interface.
Apple these days seems to innovate by improving on other's inventions -- if you'll pardon the pun, they build better mousetraps.
After a really awful start -- that hocky puck mouse that came with the first iMac -- Apple refined the mouse design perfectly, in my opinion, with their current mouse. One button, yes -- but as you said, people rarely need another button with a Mac. Simplicity, you know?
Many reviewers are lauding the Mighty Mouse as a radical redesign of the multi-button mouse. We all knew that Apple would never release a product that was the same as everyone else's right? I haven't seen one yet -- hell, the local Apple store, only a few miles from Apple's headquarters, didn't even know about it the morning it was introduced!
It's just a mouse, really. Every since my original Mac mouse died I went out and bought a $15 Logitech, which for the last two years is still going strong. Why people make such a big deal of the new Mac mouse, I don't know.

Remember, the concept and design may be from California, USA, but the manufacturing plant was in Malaysia - just like everyone else's ideas. The beautiful thing about a Macintosh is the operating system. Everything else is irrelevant.
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