Saturday, August 20, 2005


Ahh, The Germans

On the very day the BTK killer was sentenced to 175 years (why don’t they just call it ‘life’) and you think that America is quickly spiraling down on the gruesome and demented list, along comes the Germans to let us know who’s king of the sick-o mountain. Check out this killjoy of a story from MSNBC.
Aug. 22, 2005 issue - They were hidden inside flowerpots, a sand-filled aquarium and a black handbag. Tiny skeletons of nine newborn babies, found by police recently in the east German village of Brieskow-Finkenheerd. The prime suspect: their mother, Sabine Hilschenz, 39, charged in the killings dating from 1988 through 1999. Police say the unemployed dental assistant admits she had "something to do" with the deaths—but adds she was too drunk each time to remember either the infants' births or the killings.
Oh, and it gets even worse. Seems this piece of work lives in a neighborhood comprised mainly of former “security” agents from the communist regimes in the East- and this kind of child slaying isn’t all that unusual.
Around the same time that Hilschenz allegedly killed the last of her babies in Brieskow-Finkenheerd, another mother in the town left her two infants to die of thirst—unnoticed by the neighbors. In nearby Cottbus, police last year arrested a mother who'd chopped up her 6-year-old and stored him in the freezer—and for three years no one asked why he was missing. Christian Pfeiffer, a professor of criminology who's spent years studying the east-west crime divide, says infants are up to six times more likely to be killed by their parents in the ex-communist east.
From time to time I’ll hear some academic, left winged; bullet head talk about how the former Easten Block wasn’t all that bad, their reputation being a result of American propaganda. I’m sure some of you will even remember Amnesty International (and our very own Dick Durban) compare the conditions of Guantanamo Bay to the Gulags run by these very same former agents. Right…. If this kind of stuff is going on now, in a controlled and rule-oriented society, it really makes you wonder what unspeakable acts were going on before. The truly shocking crimes are the ones we will probably never know of.
I’ll be honest; I do question the legalities and purpose of our interment camp at Guantanamo, but to compare its conditions to the Gulags- pure ignorance. To cheapen the crimes committed by making that comparison- purely irresponsible.

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